Thursday, May 14, 2015

Once Upon a Summer - Melody Carlson

Once Upon a Summertime – Melody Carlson

I first discovered Melody Carlson with her Dear Daphne series, and I am still hoping for a third book in that series to let me know what happened!  When Once Upon a Summertime became available for review , I was jumping up and down with my hand up in the air screaming, “Pick me!  Pick me!”  Thanks, Revell!

What did I love about this book?  Let me count the ways….       
1.                    The main character, Anna, had a good head on her shoulders.  She respected her grandmother, did hard things, was responsible, and loyal.
2.                    Although the story began in a small town, it quickly moved to NYC.  NYC is one of my favorite places in the whole world.  Granted I haven’t been around the whole world, but I love it there!  I  have walked the neighborhoods in the book.  LOVE IT!  It was like a little getaway for me!
3.                    The male lead, Sean, was a little too good to be true.  However, I did like him.  Sean had a plan for just about everything.  I do wish we could have had a glimpse of what was going on in his head!
4.                    Anna’s friend, Marley, got on my nerves!  It was like she couldn’t make up her mind…be nice to Anna or be a little controlling.  She did get it together, but I really didn’t like her!  (To me, that is a sign of great writing – when I have strong opinions about minor characters!)
5.                    I loved the cover! 
6.                    I was sad for the story to end!

I realize I didn’t reveal much about the story.  You will have to read it yourself to get the details!  You won’t be sorry!

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